Beauty Square Harajuku Tokyo
July, 2020

Project Management and Digital Consultation
株式会社ティーアンドエス及び、THINK AND SENSEはプロジェクトマネージメントという立ち位置から、デジタルを活用した空間作りに置ける、機材選定、システム構成検討などをご提案させて頂き、VRでの空間ヴィジュアライズやシミュレータベースでの演出検討などテクノロジーを駆使した検討、提案のサポートをさせていただきました。
Targeting the younger generation for their main customers among the highly trend-conscious shoppers gathering from Japan and overseas to Harajuku, Shiseido opened their store in the Harajuku area for the first time. Considering that, they focused on good use of digital-oriented method so that the store could be a place where the customers would find and experience the enjoyment of beauty or charms of themselves that they have never realized.
T&S Ltd. and THINK AND SENSE advised them in view of project management, on how to select equipment and/or a system configuration in creating a space using digital technologies, offering some solutions with technologies such as a spatial visualization through VR and/or simulator-based performances.
System Design
Beauty Square内に設置された、4種類のLEDヴィジョン、Kinetic Light System、ムービングライト、サウンドシステムを統合的に管理するメディアコントロールシステムを開発しました。
We have developed a media control system that enables comprehensive control of four kinds of LED visions, Kinetic Light System, moving light, and sound system. Multiple equipment would work with each other through the media control system to create immersive spaces.
Media control system
また、Event Listでは、リストに取り込んだコンテンツに時間を設定することで、任意のタイミングにコンテンツを再生することが可能です。
The media control system that controls four kinds of LED visions simultaneously is a GUI-based user-friendly system. It enables making playlists easily by drag and drop.
It is adaptive to various resolutions. It recognizes content resolution automatically and scales to realize optimal display. In addition, it enables not only video files replay but also reading of interactive content and/or working with external inputs.
Moreover, on Event List, contents can be replayed at desired timing by setting the time on the imported contents to the list.

Kinetic Light System
78個のスフィア型照明が電動のウインチにつながり、シームレスに上下に可動し、動的な空間を作り出す照明演出システムです。機材調達から、システム開発までTHINK AND SENSEで担当しました。
This is a kinetic performance system installed in the installation zone.
It is a lighting system that creates a kinetic space by moving 78 of spherical lightings smoothly up and down to which motorized winch is connected. THINK AND SENSE committed from preparing the equipment to system development.
It is a GUI-based user-friendly system as well as the LED vision control system. Various controls can be implemented from GUI, including the construction of motion patterns playlist, pattern replay with time settings, and individual operation on test mode, etc.
Also, it enables working together with patterns in real time, which contents creator outside created, by an associating system via a network.
An immersive staging can be realized by working the patterns with the external control system of the LED vision to control all of the videos, lightings, and sound simultaneously.

CREDITS | Producer: Shigeki Inaba Technical Direction /System Design: Shuhei Matsuyama Media control system Design :Takamitsu Masumi Media control system Design :Yuki Hikita Media control system Graphic design:Yuki Soejima Kinetic Light Engineering: Naoya Takebe Sound Design: invisi |