ところざわサクラタウン KADOKAWA所沢キャンパス

August, 2020

ところざわサクラタウン内に新設された、株式会社KADOKAWAの新オフィス、所沢キャンパスのエントランスに常設された、 大型LEDヴィジョンのメディアコントロールシステムと、PointCloudを表現に用いた映像コンテンツを担当しました。

We have produced image contents represented using point cloud, and a media control system for a large LED vision exhibited regularly at the entrance of Tokorozawa campus, a new office of KADOKAWA CORPORATION.

Point Cloud Movie

ドローンでところざわサクラタウン全域を空撮し、空撮映像からフォトグラメトリによりところざわサクラタウンとその周囲のPoint Cloudデータを作成しました。
そのデータをもとにTouchDesigner上で構築したオリジナルのPoint Cloudヴィジュアライズシステムを用いて、リアルタイムに1600万個以上のPoint Cloudをヴィジュアライズしています

THINK AND SENSEの得意とするリアルタイムヴィジュアライズシステム構築を活用し、
Point Cloudで構成された映像をリアルタイムで演出、編集可能なシステムを構築し制作を進めました。

As the first step, we took a drone shooting of the wide-area Tokorozawa Sakuratown, and then created point cloud data of the town and its surrounding area by photogrammetry with the shot images. Based on that data, we visualized over 16 million dots in real time, using an original point cloud visualizing system that is composed on TouchDesigner. We constructed a system that allowed the dots’ images to show or edit in real time with the real-time visualizing system, which is a specialty of THINK AND SENSE. We pursued an approach for the best expression of 6K LED high-definition vision, setting the color of “cherry blossom” as a point of representation, which is a part of the name of Tokorozawa Sakuratown.


Workflow and Technical details


ドローンで空撮した映像をReality Captureに取り込み複数のデータから、三次元復元を行い、点群を生成しました。

We took a drone shooting of Tokorozawa Sakuratown area including surrounding environments, and with those images, created 3D-point cloud data by photogrammetry. The captured images were imported into Reality Capture to carry out a 3D-restoring with the multiple data and then create the point cloud.



生成したPoint CloudデータをTouchDesignerでのリアルタイムヴィジュアライズするために、画像データに変換し読み込ませています。
ところざわサクラタウン全域のPoint Cloudデータは膨大になるため、演出をつけ分ける単位でpoint Cloudデータを分割し画像化しました。
画像化された点群ファイルをTouchDesignerのシェーダーシステムで事前に読み出し、リアルタイムに切り替えることで、シーンごとのPoint Cloudの切り替えもリアルタイムで行うことを可能としました。


The created point cloud data was converted to image data and loaded into TouchDesigner to visualize in real time. Since the point cloud data of Tokorozawa Sakuratown and surrounding area resulted in huge, we divided those data by a processing unit and then depicted images. Real-time dots switching by scenes is possible by leading the depicted point cloud files in advance with the TouchDesigner’s shader system and switching them in real time. We constructed an original system in the shader system, where all the processes from real-time visualization to dots moving effect or image effect can be edited, to unite the several functions.


Real-time Rendering Contents


The expression of point cloud image exhibition will be constantly changed by information obtained via the network like weather, daylight hours, and season. The atmosphere of Sakuratown depicted with the dots will change according to the changing season of real-world Sakuratown.

Ambience system for KADOKAWA

THINK AND SENSEが提供するオリジナルのメディアコントロールシステム「Ambience」をベースに所沢キャンパス用にカスタマイズしたシステムです。
dot by dotでの映像再生から、コンテンツ解像度を認識しての自動スケーリングインタラクティブコンテンツとの連携など幅広く対応します。

High-definition 6K/2K LED is controlled by one control system. This is a system tailor-made for the Tokorozawa campus based on “Ambience”, an original media control system provided by THINK AND SENSE. Dot-by-dot video replay, and working with interactive contents for an automatic scaling through recognition of contents resolution are widely supported by this system. 



Timeline,Event List 

映像ファイルの再生のみならず、インタラクティブコンテンツの読み込みや、外部入力との連携などにも対応します。また、Event Listでは、リストに取り込んたコンテンツに時間を設定することで、

It enables making playlists easily by drag and drop. It is adaptive to various resolutions. It recognizes content resolution automatically and scales to realize optimal display. In addition, it enables not only video files replay but also reading of interactive content and/or working with external inputs. Besides, on Event List, contents can be replayed at desired timing by setting the time on the imported contents to the list.

Photo call mode


In this mode, pattern images with logos are read to be displayed. These are used as a photo panel that can be changed dynamically at photo session etc. in the event.

Window Designer


It is a function that can display output presentation images etc. at the desired location. With this function, layouts can be changed freely by using a mouse, and it suits various styles of the presentation. Also, installing additional capture hardware enables more outer input. Various needs for the event such as multiple displays for e-sports will be supported by this function.



Technical Direction / Movie edit: Shuhei Matsuyama

Point Cloud System Design /Media control system design  :Takamitsu Masumi

Photogrammetry Engineering: Naoya Takebe

Sound Design: Intercity-Express (Tetsuji Ohno)

Media control system Design :Yuki Hikita

Media control system Graphic design:Yuki Soejima